Tuesday, December 3, 2013


I would like to host and perform a reading. I need 3-4 people who want to do it. 7 readings each, no memorization. Should be able to perform not just read the reading. We would set up a program and do one big performance. It should be a free-form event with food. I have two on board, Charlie Rosenblume and myself.
We would probably need to this in a very open space with plenty of room for people to get up and move.
A couple sitting spots but it will be a standing event.
Some cookies, some juice, coffee
We will start advertising this week if we get our third person.

1 comment:

  1. Sam- I'm glad you're interested in pursuing this. Please check w/ the dean for approval of time and place (soon!) after you've lined up people willing to do it. Let's talk Friday b/c this can't wait much longer. How many do you feel you need to really create an event? I'm afraid that two people might not be enough. Four people reading two poems each seems a minimum, somehow? 15 minutes worth?
    Is no one else willing to step up? That was my fear, earlier, but hoped you might be able to get some commitments. And what's your plan for advertising? And If not, plan B? And you've not mentioned your own direction for final poems here? I'd like to see you focus on something. And then you'll need to turn in a collection of simple, printed, final poems for the semester, about a dozen or so.
